28Apr18:0019:00AI@Business meets c/o data science | VIRTUAL MEETINGPanel: What's up next in data science? Kategorie:WebinarLand:Deutschland,Österreich,Schweiz


Together with Informationsfabrik we start our virtual kick-off meetup AI@Business meets c/o data science on April 28 at 6pm! From there on we will have a digital meetup every first Tuesday of the month, discussing various data science topics.

Three of our c/o speakers will have an online panel discussion with our host Thomas talking about “What’s up next in data science?”. Dubravko, Mathias and Christian will look at what the future brings for data science.

The panel will be held in German


28. April 2020 (18:00) - 28. April 2020 (19:00)




SIGS DATACOM GmbH Lindlaustr. 2c, 53842 Troisdorf